Fruit Chips-Bare Baked Natural Apple Chips, Cinnamon – chips manzana y canela
3 oz / 85 grams
- Description
Bare Cinnamon Apple Chips are made from real apples that are sliced fresh and baked until they’re crave-ably crunchy. Snacking on bare Cinnamon Apple Chips means you’re snacking on simply that; just apples and cinnamon! Our apple chips are baked, never fried, with no added sugar and no preservatives.*******Los chips de manzana con canela desnuda están hechos de manzanas reales que se cortan en rodajas frescas y se hornean hasta que estén crujientes. Comer un refrigerio con chips de manzana y canela significa simplemente eso; ¡solo manzanas y canela! Nuestros chips de manzana se hornean, nunca se fríen, sin azúcar agregada y sin conservantes.